Thank you so much for participating in Palm Coast's Arbor Day. As usual, your tent was a big hit! I really appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedule to educate residents. I hope we will see you next year. Once again, thank you for everything!
Carol Bennett, Urban Forester
City of Palm Coast, Florida
RMM note: Thank YOU! Carol! We always enjoy participating in your fine event and meeting many of Palm Coast's citizens and educating about stinging insects found in the area. Many visitors were astonished to learn that African Honey Bees, (aka Killer Bees), are now encountered in Palm Coast and Flagler County.
I enjoyed looking at the pics on your site, and found one of a young citizen looking at some of our Yellowjacket nests (don't worry, not live yellow jackets!!) on display.
Young visitor inspecting Yellow Jacket wasp nests on display |
We also were pleased to find our friends from the Jacksonville Zoo, including Carl and his feathered friend: