Thank YOU!!! You made a very aggravating experience awesome!! We were awestruck! We had no idea how complex and fascinating bees are.. We both told each other after you left that we felt our jaws dropped open every time you told us something about being an Entomologist and the knowledge you shared with us about bee behavior. We have looked at your website, your photos, videos, and are blown away by the areas where bees like to colonize. The one where they are coming out of the outdoor “tool box” gave us the creeps because we have one of those too.
You made a bad situation enjoyable and actually fun. We have not stopped talking about it with each other and our friends and coworkers. You said you give lectures to groups, do you also do private parties?? We were thinking, especially with the increase in the bee population that it would be a fun thing to do to educate others on bees, and the job you do.
We have not seen a flying bee in either spot since you were here, so it definitely did the trick.
Our sincere thanks,
David & Frances Frechette